JSSATEB Alumni Association is formed with the sole objective of bringing all the JSSATEBians on to a common platform for mutual benefits. The 1st batch of students have rolled out of the institution in 2001. Since then, over 8000 students are passed out of this institution and occupied various positions in the organizations all over the world. The association became active since 2010 under the stewardship of Principal Dr. Mrityunjaya V. Latte. The 1st alumni meet was held in 2012, Since then 3 meets were held. The 1st global alumni meet is scheduled in the month of June 2021. It is also proposed to start JSSATEB Alumni chapters in other parts of India & worldwide.
The experience combined with knowledge and cherishing moments that JSSATE-B gave me 4 years down the lane is something which will stay with me for the rest of my life. I am extremely grateful to the college and the Department of CSE, with the well qualified and experienced faculty members for having provided me wonderful opportunities and a technical qualification for a successful career ahead. It’s my pleasure to say that these faculty members are very inspiring and always supportive and their guidance had helped me to take better decisions .The technical events conducted in the college including the department fests and hackathons were also very helpful in structuring our technical knowledge.
Doing my Computer Science Engineering from JSSATE has been an integral part of the success I have seen in my life today! Starting from Day-1, the dedication of the teachers towards the upbringing of the students, their
commitment to always gives the best to the students, and shaping the upcoming engineers to the industry is something I have always admired. I can say this with confidence because I worked for two companies whose headquarters are in India and Singapore and even today - 10 years post my graduation since 2011, the companies which I work for, recruit best-in-class, top-notch engineers from JSSATE. .
USN: 1JS16CS046
Graduated Year: 2020
USN: 1JS07CS062
Graduated year: 2011

I am Varsha V Bhat and I graduated from JSSATE, Bengaluru in the year 2018. I am currently working as an Associate Engineer in Cognizant Technological Solutions. My current role is that of a Full-Stack Developer.
First and foremost, I would say that I am privileged to be an alumnus of a prestigious college such as JSSATEB. This institution has helped me grow as an individual in both my personal and professional life. I am a core committee member of the JSSATEB Alumni Association (JSSATEBAA), which has given me a greater opportunity to stay connected with my alma mater. I am from the Computer Science Department, which houses the friendliest of professors who have always supported and encouraged me in all my endeavors.
I was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful campus and the quality of facilities that JSSATE provides.Eventually the excellent pedagogy of the teachers and amazing help I received enhance my skill and improve my knowledge convinced me of the Excellency of the college. The best thing about graduating from JSSATE is having the freedom to think of an idea and test its practical application. I felt extremely lucky to be in an environment that allowed me to conduct research on what interests me the most, so in all my time here I have never felt bored. The colleges various facilities to help you evolve as a student, from a well-stocked library, to IT Laboratories, management club activities and many extracurricular and co-curricular activities.
USN: 1JS14CS110
Graduated Year: 2018
USN: 1JS04CS002
Graduated year: 2008

Hi! I am Sandeep K N 2017 passed out student of JSS from ISE dept and I would like to mention that I am a proud alumni of JSSATE. I joined JSS on Aug 14 2013, totally clueless about the coming days. On 27 June 2017 the last day of my college, I came out as a confident professional with a good placement. The 4 years were the best. I was the class rep for all the 8 semesters. I was also the main coordinator for the NCAIT organized under Samyog by the Dept. of ISE. How can I forget my department? One of the best in the college and I was lucky to be in the ISE. The faculty are well qualified and are always there for the studentsThanks and love JSSATE.
JSSATE has been the foundation stone for my career. The learnings that I earned in my professional degree has shaped my career towards the IT industry. The highly esteemed teaching faculties of ISE Dept helped me to learn the vivid experiences of the Information Technology industry and provided me the opportunity to have a global exposure of how technology functions at large. The placement cell was quite helpful for my whole batch and made sure that each one of us got the best opportunities. Currently I'm working as a Senior Business Development Manager in Artificial Intelligence for ABB.
USN : 1JS13IS037
Graduate Year: 2017
USN: 1JS08IS012
Graduated year: 2012

The four years I had spent at JSS was an experience of a lifetime as it not only helped me enhance my knowledge but also guided to become a better person all together. JSS truly stood as a temple of knowledge and embarked on each of its student a vast amount of experience to compete in all kind of real world scenarios. And then comes my branch dept of ise which has produced some great students all due to its experienced and qualified professors and faculty along with state of art equipment’s. My special moment at campus would be none other than the day Malini mam started to guide me which has helped me change the direction of life all together. I would also like to thank Soumya, Anitha and Sahana mam for their constant support and guidance through out these special four years.
If given a chance I would love to go back to my JSS days which now I consider as to be my golden era, It was in JSS that we truly found what friendship is, what mentorship is... The fun we had, the outings with lecturers, ethnic days, college fest!
Now that it's been 7 years that I've moved out of JSS and into IT industry, I can relate back to the assistance and support given to us by the faculty (special mention of Nagamani mam and Rekha mam), which helped me frame my career.
I got from lecturers has helped me grow in any opportunity that was given to me.
I am grateful to my college and heartfelt gratitude towards my lecturers
USN: 1JS15IS004
Graduated year: 2019
USN: 1JS10IS013
Graduated Year: 2014