
  • To develop interaction or help to increase interaction between the Institute and alumni and also between present students and alumni of the institute.
  • Enhance, modernize or upgrade the existing facilities at the institute to provide industrial training, student internships, placement and other facilities to the present students.
  • Organise value added activities to the students such as personality development, guest lectures, seminars, research events etc.
  • Grant scholarships for needy students and provide loans and other monetary and non-monetary assistance for deserving students for higher education.
  • Provide consultations, services, testing facilities to industries associated with alumni.
  • Encourage educational, cultural, sports and other activities.
  • Publish journals, newsletters, books and other professional materials for circulation amongst its members.
  • Assist the faculty and students of JSSATEB in various value-added activities like curriculum development, sponsored research projects, case study development, etc.
  • Extend possible Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) service to the local community.
  • Help and encourage the alumni to achieve their professional goals.
  • Help the institution for establishing a centre of excellence through the support of Alumni.

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